One sweet little man, a lovely walk and a sprinkle of rain | Canberra Child Photographer

It was a fair time coming but I finally got to meet Sally, Luke and the lovely little Master T on Sunday.

It was an early morning rise and quick drive up to Canberra on Sunday to meet this gorgeous family and what a great time it was.
Master T was an absolute joy to spend the morning with, we went for a walk to the park and back through some great old buildings and I found a new location for future sessions and while the clouds threatened to break, we made it through without getting too wet!

I thank you guys for a wonderful morning and hope you enjoy your sneak peek. I will be in touch soon with the rest of your gallery!



Peta said...

So sweet. I love how you incorporated the ball in the first shot.

Jamie said...

Hey Bianca. These look great. I love the perspective on the last one of MrT on the swing.

Hope business is going well.


Karen Villiers said...

oh he is adorable. gorgeous family shoot Bianca.

Susan Wall said...

beautiful! love the family shot, really great use of props.

Jen Stocks said...

These are great - looks like you had a fun time together! That little fella is seriously beautiful.

Tracy Wallace said...

That first one is super cute. I also love the ball in mums hand

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