Its all in the family

Now, there are families and then there are families and these guys are one fabulous bunch! They all came together this past weekend to have a family photo taken as a gift to their parents for their wedding anniversary but shhh...its still a secret! Some of them came all the way from Harvey Bay so it was important we kept our thats fine..until they forecast rain! I then embarked on a mission to find a covered area in Canberra big enough to fit all of them under and finally came up with the National Museum. Now as it happened, the rain had held off all day so we decided to use the grassy area behind the museum instead and managed to get loads of shots of them all together and then some individual shots as well. We even managed some of the newest family member, the beautiful Miss L, at only two weeks old.

I hope you all like these, enjoy your sneak peek and I should have the rest of the gallery finished soon!



Jo Ashworth said...

a lovely thing to do - family portraits en masse - what lucky parents, these are gorgeous Bianca, such fresh colours

Alicia - Savvy Studios said...

Awww... love that one of the little bubba yawning. :) Great family shoot.

Philly said...

Fantastic shots Bianca! They look great!

Melanie Kellermann said...

Beautiful Family shots Bianca! You captured some great shots, they look so natural and fun!

Christine Pobke said...

Such a lovely family! You did a wonderful, wonderful job with these! :)

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