My Favorite Five

The best part of my job is being able to watch families grow, to be asked each year to come back and capture the same beautiful families is such an honor. To see how much each child has grown is the most amazing experience.
This is one of those gorgeous families, I adore these girls and get so excited to head back and catch up with them! I met the smallest of the gang when she was just days old, then again when she was about 6 months and she is now 16 months!

Yesterday was just as fun, walking around their beautiful property but this time there was another new family member....a boy called Cooper! ok, he is of the 'furry baby' type and not a human but seriously cute and I have a feeling he will be very loved by these girls!

I had so much fun yesterday, thank you all!









Natalie Mack said...

OH THE DAWGGY!!! SO CUTE!! I want to scream a little. That takes a lot as you well know...

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